META Center’s Mindfulness- & Compassion-Based Cognitive Behavioral Training Program (MC-CBT)
12.5-hour Modular Training Program
META's brief MC-CBT Program is
designed for you if you want to:
Get freedom from mental and behavioral habits that are keeping you stuck and unsatisfied
Enhance physical and psychological health and well-being
Discover creative ways to practice and activate the “mindfulness muscle” during everyday life activities and when time is limited.
Bring mindfulness and compassion to your relationships with self and others
Learn to pause and choose your response instead of reacting habitually & ineffectively
Solve problems creatively
Live a valued life with intention
Reduce stress and habitual reactivity in life one moment at a time
In addition to in-person training program, participants also receive:
Audios of all traditional guided formal MBCT & MBSR & brief modular practices
Topic review audios to support application of skills in everyday life.
A workbook, e-reminders, & brief hand-outs to support practice and application
Optional confidential assessments to identify & target specific mental and behavioral habits
Guidance matching mindfulness & other CBT practices to current wellness intentions.
Ongoing tune-up practice meetings seasonally